Monday, January 5, 2009

Vietnamese Food

I came to America in the early ‘70’s, when I was very young lad, and settled in a small town in Colorado. At that time, the closest thing to Vietnamese food that I could find was a bottle of soy sauce, and my most favorite condiment was ketchup because it has the three main ingredients in Vietnamese taste: sour, sweet & salty, which are key in Vietnamese cuisine. I used ketchup on everything, even salad, causing many people to stare in surprise at me.

Eventually, I acquired a taste for western cuisine, even though occasionally I tried to prepare Vietnamese dishes with available ingredient in the market, following my own recipes. In 1980, after my parents immigrated to US, I had the chance to once more enjoy authentic home-cooked Vietnamese food prepared by my mother

This opportunity led me to renewed interest in Vietnamese cuisine, and the desire to build this Web Site as a means to share my culinary adventure with you, the public. Now living and working as an engineer (yes, I am a geek) in Arizona, I still often travel to Los Angeles and hang out in Little Saigon or San Gabriel Valley to experience the Asian community without taking a long trip back to Vietnam.

If you have any experience, story, recipe, cooking tip, suggestion and anything else related to Vietnamese food or Vietnam experience to share with other site visitors, please Email to me:
Thank You for visiting and Bon Appetite.
(Excerpts from : )

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